A new phase of artistic work began when I came to Nepal in 1993 to live with my husband in Kathmandu for what would be many years. There I found my way back to painting and the theme and motifs that have always moved me and challenged me to engage in artistic creativity—namely, nature. I accompanied my husband on his expeditions to the then still very remote and pristine Himalayan regions. The unique mountain world with its often untouched wilderness became a source of inspiration. A further great enrichment of my art came from discovering the traditionally hand-made Nepalese Lokta paper. Produced from plant fibers, in natural tints and with a variety of different structural surfaces, it matches my preference for natural working materials. It changed my way of working and has shaped the expression of many of my works. Experimenting with and combining the fibrous paper with other plant substances, such as spices, seeds and plant-based pigments, gets me into the process of compression and finding the structures of my painting. Collage-like forms of composition dominate the character of many of my works.
born 1955 in Heilbronn, Germany
studied 1974-1979 at the Hochschule für Gestaltung, Mannheim, Germany; Diploma in Graphic Design
studied 1980-1985 painting at the State Academy of Fine Arts (UdK), Berlin under Prof. Dietmar Lemcke,
1985 Master of Fine Arts
1994 - 2010 life center in Kathmandu
lives and works in Vienna and Kathmandu